business decision making process

Business Decision Making Process: Rational and Intuitive

The business decision-making process doesn’t always follow a standardized methodology or a rigidly and precisely modeled process. This methodological inconsistency (and, therefore, process) occurs at an increasing rate, as the hierarchical level of the decision maker increases. And it’s easy…
business process simplification

5 awesome ideas for business process simplification

We often forget that when we talk about simplification, we are talking about reducing the amount of something. Really? Yes, see: What is the difference between a single room and a double room? The double has 2 beds! In the…
how to organize a small business

How to Organize a Small Business Using the Canvas Model

When most people think of how to organize a small business, they focus too much on such things like: Points of Commerce Paperwork and licenses Renovations and adjustments to the property Implementing infrastructure (the internet, telephone, etc.) Purchasing inventories or…
14 Quotes about Business Growth for Strategic use

14 Quotes about Business Growth for Strategic use

Quotes about business growth such as the famous “Time is Money” by an anonymous author do not provide secrets or magic formulas for everything to work out well for your company. It’s what Albert Einstein would say: The only place…