bpm for small business

Bpm for small businesses: Is it completely necessary?

Is there anything that leaves the owner of a small business more nervous and disappointed with their team and their ability to work than wastes, delays, and miscommunications? All of which lead to customer dissatisfaction. The most ironic of all…
nonconformity control

Nonconformity control: Increase customer satisfaction

Quality and customer satisfaction are synonymous. It’s critical to keep this in mind when it comes to product or service nonconformity control. Any organization that wants to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage should start by strengthening its customer relationships, to…
process consulting services

Process consulting services: Does your company need them?

Those who offer BPM process consulting services and, likewise, those who need this type of service, share the same goal: to analyze, optimize and redesign processes in search of efficiency and productivity and to add more value to a business…