improve communication within a business

How to improve communication within a business

Companies are becoming more and more concerned about strengthening communication with customers. It’s usually done by creating new channels, investing in telephone exchanges in customer service centers and hiring professionals to update social media networks. All of this is because…
5w2h analysis

5W2H analysis, problem solving and strategic planning

In business, any company initiative needs to be carefully and strategically planned to succeed and excel in competition. It is with this in mind that we often see the emergence of new and ingenious management tools, some relatively recent such…
construction quality control

Construction quality control systems and their importance

In recent years, there have been many factors that have contributed to the growth of construction markets and construction quality control: Unemployment regressed, and average income grew, which caused the middle class, along with the credit sector to gain strength.…
governance, risk and compliance

Governance, risk and compliance: All there is to know

Governance, risk, and compliance are terms that have a lot to do with each other, especially in the context of BPM, where risk management, information transparency and process implementation inside set rules, are basic guidelines. To understand more about governance,…