business cost saving ideas

Business cost saving ideas: Practice cutting back

In times of crisis, business cost saving ideas can often become an obsession. From office coffee and tea supplies, to the dismissal of employees. Managers develop several ideas that don’t always achieve the best results. The truth is that business…
how to get small business investors

How to get small business investors: Show that it works!

You’ve come up with that sensational idea, you know it’ll work, you’ve gathered people you trust, some have become partners in your startup, and it’s time to grow and scale the business. Just one issue remains: how to get small…
lead management systems

Lead Management Systems: ERP, CRM or Marketing Automation?

There are several lead management systems, some simpler and others more complex and complete, but undoubtedly a company that doesn’t have some kind of tool to capture, manage and cultivate leads will have significant difficulties, especially if working with internet…
strategies to increase profitability

Strategies to Increase Profitability: CEO Secrets and Tips

Whatever you can do, honestly, to increase revenue and decrease expenses, will affect your strategies to increase profitability in your company. Does it seem easy, then, to model processes to achieve higher profitability? Not really. The problem is that, in…

Process Automation Consulting: Make Adjustments Online

Those who provide process automation consulting services are dedicated to a multidisciplinary job, involving several professionals, inside and outside the company for which the service is being provided. This means that information exchanges, integration, and teamwork are critical. Not just…