How to improve service quality management through processes

Providing services with a high level of service quality management is now considered an essential strategy for survival and the success of a company in the current competitive market scenario.

According to a study released by American marketing consultant Philip Kotler in his book ‘Marketing Management, the service sector is expanding a lot nowadays and is also the fastest growing concerning economy in most of the world, both in revenue and in labor employment.

Thus companies need to be prepared to meet the needs of its customers by offering a high level of service quality management to satisfy them and build a relationship of loyalty.

Discover what customer centric processes are and how they could improve your business, here.


However, a lot of dedication is needed to make sure the search for service excellence is indeed taken seriously by all stakeholders; and methods, measures, and specific employment policies are adopted effectively for the success of this goal.

The more you invest in and serve and provide quality services, the greater the financial return and recognition by customers; shown in a study by the Institute of Cambridge Strategic Planning in collaboration with the Harvard Business School, which was summarized by Richard C. Whiteley in his book ‘The customer driven company.’

The study reveals that when a company has high service quality management it stands out among the top 20% in their industry, it can get a gross investment return on average 32% per year and that when customer recognition is around 40% worse, this investment return was on average 14% lower. It characterizes a significant difference.

According to Wallace Oliveira, CEO HEFLO, service quality management through processes would be one of the mechanisms able to manage the level of service provided.


“We defend the idea that Business Process Management is a key tool to improving service quality management, and joint with process automation could promote transparency, define responsibilities among the people involved, standardize communication, monitor tasks and act proactively avoiding non-conformities and working to improve the quality of services. “


What are the steps to improve service quality management?

For the HEFLO CEO, the implementation of Business Process Management will cause the company to achieve the expected result of service quality management, from a few steps:

  • Map processes AS IS and thereby identify the form of consistent work;
  • Discuss the process in a version of ‘To Be’ and thus reach a new version of process optimization;
  • Agree on customer service levels, and it set deadlines, satisfaction targets, etc.;
  • Stick to internal agreements (operational level) and thus ensure the agreed service levels;
  • Monitor through BPMS and thereby generate alerts, schedules, reports, indicators, etc.


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