Be dynamic with your Processes
Your management needs to be as dynamic as your processes. Publish processes, receive suggestions, make improvements, demand organization and discipline. You can count on HEFLO to help you get the best results.
Your management needs to be as dynamic as your processes. Publish processes, receive suggestions, make improvements, demand organization and discipline. You can count on HEFLO to help you get the best results.
Go to the next level! By using HEFLO’s portal you can distribute your documentation online, it is fully participatory and it contains a strong visual appeal.
“I don’t know where the documentation of my processes is.” How many times have you heard this phrase? With HEFLO’s portal many things are different:
Give and take suggestions. Receive and gather criticism. Evaluate changes. This is definitely very important.
The response from everyone working on the process is crucial to its development. Through HEFLO’s online portal stimulate sending and receiving messages and chatting with everyone involved.