BPM and workflow are not the same: understand the differences

A common mistake made is to think that BPM and workflow are the same things. In fact, they are similar, but there are technical details we have to observe.

The important thing is to clarify that the workflow concept is only the tip of the iceberg if compared to the BPM technology. It is an essential gear, but only one of the many components that integrate the system that is much wider and comprehensive, as well as efficient and ingenious.

Check next a comparative analysis between BPM and workflow and understand once and for all the details that differ both of them.

BPM vs. workflow: what is the same?

In the corporative world, increasingly competitive, there is a growing need for automatizing fundamental processes, cut bottlenecks and eliminate redundancies to achieve maximum operational efficiency and guarantee not only the process quality but also the company’s survival. These shared goals bring BPM and workflow together.

To understand what process automation is, click on the link!

BPM vs. workflow: what is different?

BPM means Business Process Management. It is a software that synthesizes, organizes and eases the business processes that are complex, on a micro and macro environmental level.

BPM’s main benefit is to allow the analysis and continuous improvement of all the organizational processes, resulting in cost reduction and productivity increase, the dream of every business person or manager.

If you still have doubts about what bpm is, click on the link and continue on our website. See also: BPM for Dummies.

Workflow is a unmistakeable term. Its differential is that it objectively enables the business process automation. It is a competitive advantage also found in BPM software.

Sometimes the word “workflow” is a generic term to define a sequence of movement of information or materials from one activity to another in the same process.  Read the definition of workflow at CBOK – ABPMP.

According ABPMP definition, workflow is a generic term for the sequential movement of information or materials from one activity in a process or subprocess to another in the same overall process. Read more on this definition.

So, how to differentiate BPM and workflow? The key point to that is to identify the situations where they are applied.

If the process is critical, it is more advantageous to use BPM, due to its range, flexibility, and sophistication. In less complicated scenarios, though, the workflow method meets the expectations perfectly.

To illustrate better, find below some of the mainly BPM’s functionalities, among which is the workflow automating.

In the end, what is better, BPM or workflow? There is no right answer for that. The key is to think of the processes that need management, and then analyze which of the two great tools to implement. In doing this, we guarantee maximum efficiency and the company’s continued betterment.

Watch the video below and see an example of BPM Automation:

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