More control of task management
Eliminate tasks performed by worksheet, email, and paper. With to-do lists and online forms of the workflow management system, you will track the status of each instance of process instantly.
Eliminate tasks performed by worksheet, email, and paper. With to-do lists and online forms of the workflow management system, you will track the status of each instance of process instantly.
What direction is your company going to? With the management dashboard provided by the workflow management system, you can make decisions based on real facts.
Your workflows can not get stuck at a table. Approve requisitions on your smartphone. View dashboards on your tablet. Finish tasks on laptops.
All people and teams need to work in synchronized way. An automated workflow allows the control or responsibilities and delegation of tasks. Make sure they will do the “right thing” at the “right time.”
Do you have a sophisticated technological environment? So count on our cloud web services technology, hosted in the world’s largest and best data center.
Analyze, model, optimize, document and automate your workflows in the same tool. It’s collaborative, cloud-based, and uses BPMN 2.0.
Create your free account in just 1 minute
It’s all in the cloud!
No downloads.
Everything’s easy
and intuitive!
No complications.
Automatic validation.
No errors and
A pleasant and
ergonomic design.
No boring environments.
It’s all automatic.
Your data stored in
the best data center.
Responsive interfaces!
Workflow on tables, desktops,
and mobile devices
Click here to access the workflow management system.
Enter your email and choose a password.
Start to use: Model your workflows, activate and run your processes on the cloud.