What is software as a service – and 4 frequently asked questions

SaaS is a technical term for something that we all use in our daily life. It means Software as a Service, and it came to revolutionize the way that we use and purchase services. It is a software that works in a cloud, that we buy online and that provides services. Services like Netflix, Spotify, and others used by people all around the world are considered software as a service.

It works oppositely as on-premise software, which is more traditional and operates installing the software on every machine that is going to use it.

Any cloud service where consumers can access software applications over the internet is a SaaS. The applications, the data, are hosted in the cloud and can be accessed by any device, anywhere. Both individuals and organizations can take advantage of the software as a service because it takes away the need of installing and maintaining software, replacing it by just connecting to the internet.

How can software as a service help my company?

The software as a service runs by one or more providers, who delivers the software in a model that can be used by all contracted customers anytime on a pay-for-use basis, on a subscription based on usage metrics or even free with fewer functionalities, free for some time, etc.

The provider also offers maintenance, correcting errors that may appear and support, making it possible to outsource most of the IT responsibility, thus cutting costs. With the payment model including service and maintenance and on a monthly or yearly basis, it is easier to control the expenditures, reducing costs and wastage.

The software as a service model supplies the service your company needs, with the ability to customize it to your processes and demands. It makes it easier and quicker to all the employees to access and update information, which will enhance communication and standardization at a level never seen before. It also makes it possible to managers to monitor all the activity, providing a real and reliable vision of the company’s situation. The information runs agilely, getting to everybody at the same time.

Is my data safe with Software as a Service?

The best way to think about data safety with SaaS is to think of a bank. In a bank, everybody uses the same system but is safe to say that no one will access other person’s information.

In fact, SaaS providers are more able to invest in security, backup and maintenance than a small or medium company can, so the data is even more guarded than in an on-premise system. It is also more measured and with more security procedures.

How easy is it to access?

Very easy. All you need is an Internet connection. How good is your internet connection? Can you expect problems when many users are accessing the software as a service? Nowadays it is not difficult to purchase a good Internet plan, and it sure will pay off.

There are many SaaS vendors now that run with Windows, Linux or Mac systems, and multiple web browsers, so compatibility is not a problem. There are, also, services that allow you, after subscribing online, to access all your data offline.

Check out this SaaS tool for process modeling. Create your free account and figure out how is easy to work on the cloud: HEFLO – Business Process Management SaaS.

What are the concrete benefits that come from using Software as a Service?

  • No initial setup costs; applications are ready to use once the user subscribes.
  • Usage is scalable; if you decide you need more storage or additional services, for example, then you can access this on-demand without having to install new software or hardware.
  • Updates are automated; whenever there is an update, it is available online to customers, often free of charge.
  • Cross-device compatibility and accessibility from any location; if you do not use the same computer always, or wants to access your data from a different device or place, SaaS applications are ideal.
  • Applications can be customized; with some software, customization is available meaning it can be altered to suit the needs and branding of a particular customer.
  • No storage needed; the cloud provider provides the processing power and space.
  • Commodity; this is maybe the biggest advantage of SaaS, since you can purchase the service, install the software, get support and maintenance and aces your information, all this from anywhere, anytime.

It is clear that a software as a service allows an organization to model, control and monitor its processes in an efficient manner. SaaS is recommended to small and big companies since it adjusts the processes and better the workflow as a whole.

Be sure to look for a reliable Software as a Service, since the results for your company are worthwhile. Always measure and optimize the results, and see your organization thrive!

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