Total quality management process approach: 11 ideas to consider

The total quality management process approach is a quality management system that seeks to transcend the concept of quality applied to a product.

The total quality management process approach is understood as the aim to exceed expectations not only from customers but everyone interested and involved in the manufacturing, development, sale and purchase processes of a product or service.

The main objective of a company focused on the total quality management process approach is the satisfaction of people’s needs: consumers through quality, employees through human growth, shareholders through productivity and the community through social contribution.


Find out: How to improve productivity and quality management in organizations.

The total quality management process approach is the control exercised by all of the people to meet the needs of all of the people, giving priority to offering a product with a total absence of defects and providing the best service possible, without errors.


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For this reason, a function of the total quality management process approach is employing a standard of excellence in all products or services that a company, group or organization is producing.


Check out: Implement the 9 rules for total quality in companies.

Total quality management process approach: 11 fundamentals

  1. Customer-orientation: Produce and supply services and products aligned with the needs and desires of consumers.
  2. Quality first: The absence of errors.
  3. Survival through continued profit: Related to quality.
  4. Actions guided by priorities: To identify the most critical problem and solve it with priority.
  5. Action guided by facts and figures: Talk, think and decide based on facts and safe data.
  6. Control procedures: Making corrective decisions must occur during the process and not from the results. The result is too late to take corrective action.
  7. Control of the dispersion: Carefully observe the dispersion of data and isolate the root cause of the dispersion.
  8. The customer is always right: The customer is a king or a queen with whom one should not argue, just satisfy their desires reasonably. Identify their needs.


See: How to improve service quality through processes


  1. Blocking and correction of faults: Do not allow a single mistake to happen twice. Do not trip over the same stone. Perform preventive blocking and corrective actions, so that the same problem doesn’t happen again from the same cause.


  1. Treat employees like human beings: To treat employees like independent human beings, means to educate, train, delegate tasks, empower, provide a personal development program, etc. .. Invest in and support skilled minds.


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  1. The commitment of top management: Everyone must be committed to quality, starting with the board. Example is the best form of education. Directors, managers, technicians and operators need to work together.


A quality product or service is one that is perfectly reliable, affordable, safe and on time for a customer’s needs. So, in other words, it can be said that quality is to achieve a faultless, low cost and safe design, delivered in the right amount, at the right time and the right place.


Given the constant changes in the current market scenario, only the best, most adaptable and best prepared survive.

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