The purchase order process: Control is fundamental

Budgets, orders, specification verification’s, invoice issuance’s, sales invoice issuance’s, all analyzed by several departments.

Process modeling is an activity that requires precise planning, both to avoid unnecessary purchases and the build up of excessive inventories, and to curb non-conformities and even deviations from the process.

Any noise in company communication at this time, can have serious business consequences.

If you’re dealing with this challenge and need to create a flowchart of the purchase order process for your company, take a look at this fully editable process diagram that we created and is part of our process library.

It’s very comprehensive and, in addition to being able to take advantage of a template that is ready, tested and approved in practice, you can also make the modifications you need, without any problem, through a friendly and intuitive interface.

If you want, check out the purchase order process flow now. Just go to the link: The Purchase Order Process Diagram, and sign up for free for our BPMN modeling tool.

Check out: Procurement process flowchart: Cost reduction and transparency

An editable flowchart template of the purchase order process

Because it’s a complex process involving several areas of the company, the flow diagram of a company’s purchase order process involves 5 lanes and 3 gateways.

Let’s look briefly at each of these lanes.

1- Applicant lane

In this lane, the person who needs a service or a material makes a request to the Manager (on the other side). Later in the flow, the applicant receives the product or service and the flow follows into the payment tasks in the Financial Department lane.

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2- Manager lane

It’s in this lane that many of the purchase order process activities in a company’s flow diagram will unfold.

The manager, in this case, plays a very decisive role and, for this reason, can terminate the process at the first gateway, by not approving the purchase; Or at a second gateway to check if an employee has already made a quote and decide whether the process is proceeding or whether a new quote should be made, see below:

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3- Purchasing Analyst lane

This professional is responsible for more basic operational activities, such as quotations and budgets, in addition to the acquisitions themselves.

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4- Inventory Analyst lane

This professional doesn’t have very complex duties. They should be aware of the receipt of the requested item and then verify that everything has been delivered correctly. They should then notify the finance department that the payment can go through without problems.

5- Finance / Accounts Payable lane

As shown in the illustration above in the purchase order process flowchart, the Finance lane activities involve making payments. After this, the process ends.

Read also: Customer service process flow chart: Ready to use!

Managing business processes is a complex activity. By designing and optimizing process flows, in addition to reducing losses, avoiding bottlenecks and waste, the operation takes place more efficiently and agile.

And in the case of critical activities such as the purchase order process for a company, this efficiency is critical. In addition, well-modeled flows are much easier to track and manage, making the manager’s job much faster and more accurate.

Would you like to control this purchase process? Discover the HEFLO’s business process automation feature

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