Employee performance improvement plan process flow: how do you develop this?

Managing an employee performance improvement process is a more labor-intensive than complex activity. In fact, the steps in a performance improvement plan process flow are simple to understand and implement, the difficulty lies in the emotional load involved.

Why? Because among other activities, a leader should be very sincere during a conversation with each of his commanders and point out points of improvement, that is, things where they’re not doing well.

And, this isn’t always well received by some employees, because, it may involve the future of their jobs.

The leader’s role is helping and even serving as coach. The main objective is to preserve employees’ jobs, doing everything they can to achieve the performance that the company needs.

See what are the steps in a performance improvement plan process flow and create joint plans with all of your leaders.

Also see: Learn why HR process automation is strategic

Stages of an employee performance improvement plan process flow

1- Definition of employee performance indicators

There are several ways to do this. In sales or marketing departments, for example, sales results, market growth and other numbers can be used.

Likewise, in other areas of a company, such as operation, finance, HR, etc., indicators relevant to these activities should be used.

In some organizations, 360 degree assessment is used, in which peers, superiors, commanders and even suppliers and business partners can give their opinions about the employee.

Regardless of the chosen criterion, the performance of the employee must be measured in an objective and organized way.

Check out: 360 degree assessment: questionnaires and methodology

2- Personal conversation with all employees

The second step in the performance improvement plan process flow is to have a conversation with each employee in person, and to present your assessment data.

For that employee who is doing well, congratulate them and give some more advice. If it’s lower than expected, an employee performance improvement plan should be defined.

3- Align the steps to take with the employee

No performance enhancement plan imposed on employees and created without dialogue will work. It’s necessary for leaders to together define the weaknesses of the employee and how to improve them. In the same way, they will define how to further strengthen their strengths.

Let’s say an employee has a deficiency in interpersonal relationships with colleagues, it might be a good idea for them to take a course, or even become responsible for organizing monthly birthday parties, for example.

4- Mapping an employee’s individual performance improvement plan

For each point that needs an improved performance, a measure and a stipulated goal must be defined. A timetable with dates and objectives, as well as evaluation meetings, should be drawn up.

5- Making adjustments to each new meeting

After the performance improvement plan has been defined, the employee and their leader will have meetings to assess progress, check if the training goals have been met and make adjustments to the plan, if necessary.

6- Final follow-up meeting

Before the next performance evaluation begins, a final meeting is held for the boss and the employee to make the last alignments and make sure that the plan is moving in the desired direction.

7- Analysis of the new performance evaluation

The cycle begins again and if the employee has overcome his deficiencies, he should be congratulated and encouraged to keep on constantly evolving and training, setting personal improvement goals and outlining his own plans.

In cases where the employee continues to perform unsatisfactorily, you should create a new plan and retake these steps.

Obviously, employees who continually perform poorly are likely to be reallocated or even replaced.

Find out more: HR Processes: Learn How to Hire the Best Talent

Creating process flows for performance improvement and tracking indicators are some of the great advantages of having process automation software, such as HEFLO.

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