What is quality improvement? 4 tips

How is the quality improvement culture in your company? The quality concept was firstly associated with the idea of conformity to specifications. After that, the concept evolved to the vision of client satisfaction, and today companies adopted quality as a wider matter, in what we know as quality management.

Quality management means to create, intentionally, an organization culture in which all the transactions are perfectly understood and correctly performed, and where the relationships between employees, suppliers, and clients are successes. Everybody in your company must be clear about what quality improvement is, to apply it.

The development of a quality improvement culture is a full approach that aims to improve competitiveness, efficacy, and flexibility of business through planning, organization and the understanding of each activity, involving each at all levels.

Also, see quality processes.

What quality improvements needs are to be done is be disseminated among employees, suppliers, and clients. It must be built into the company’s culture and values. Quality improvement will only be real if we spread and apply it, not being only in the company’s rules or in the mind of some managers.

Disseminate the quality improvement involves gain people’s trust, in a way they agree with the goals of the organization, feeling like an essential part of conquering this goal and feeling proud of working in it.

Want to improve quality in your company? Know more about BPM and what is its relation with quality!

4 tips to implement and nurture quality improvement

Make meetings to talk about quality

What is quality improvement to your company? Gather your team each 15 days to present the results of actions and inform about the performance of the company. It will include your staff in the general plan of the organization and will result in the participation and involvement of people.

Motivate through lectures

It is interesting and crucial to know new attitudes and ways, besides listening to new practices and experiences other professionals had. Therefore, promote motivational talks and include the theme of quality improvement among the issues.

Invest in training

The training is and will always be the best way to match the knowledge and set a team in the right way to achieve a goal. Invest in creative training, with group dynamics and consistent information, based in the reality of your company.

Modernize your technology

Invest in technology and gain in quality. Improve the software and automation will make your team more satisfied and will add value to your product/service, thus making the client happier!

Now that you know what quality improvement is, read about how Business Process Management can help your company grow in a consistent and continuous way!



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