Material Requisition Process Flowchart: See all the steps

With the help of the internet today, researching, quoting, asking for quotes, ordering materials, paying and receiving orders etc, companies need to be very careful to avoid mistakes, waste and even fraud.

While on the one hand information technology and cloud computing have made the process of requesting material much more agile, on the other, it’s necessary to take due care to ensure that the process moves transparently and, most importantly, to trace those responsible for every action taken.

In this context, the modeling of a requisition process flowchart must follow a determined and standardized flow, which follows a series of steps and includes several agents.

In this post, in addition to knowing this requisition process flowchart in detail, you’ll have access to a ready-to-use, fully editable diagram for your own reference.

Download Now: Requisition Process Flowchart

See also: Business process modeling for dummies: 7 tips and ideas

The 5 Steps in the Requisition Process Flowchart

This process includes 2 agents, an requester (applicant) and the storeroom, who act in 2 lanes of a pool. In addition, there may be a need to trigger another process, purchasing, in another pool.

1- Requesting material

At this stage, the applicant completes an application form and sends it to the warehouse. It should list all the items in demand, inform the quantities, descriptions and the delivery date.

2- Stock check

Once the warehouse staff receive the request they must check if the requested items are available.

If it’s not possible to provide them to the applicant, or if the stock level has reached its minimum limit, they should send a lack of materials notice to the applicant.

3-  Material delivery or lack of material notice sub-processes

As we said above, in the previous phase of the process a Gateway arises.

There are 2 possible procedures: inform the requester that there is no available item, or start the sub-process of delivering the item to the requester, described in the figure below.

The sub-process relies on the following tasks: order verification, item and delivery note separation, material forwarding and material submission communication.

See also: BPMN 2.0 Examples: 8 types of gateways: Inclusive, Exclusive and more

4- Purchase request

If you receive notification that the item you have requested is unavailable, the requester must place a purchase order, to another department (in another pool) to make the purchase.

It’s important to be clear that this responsibility lies with the applicant, not the warehouse. In this way, the requester of the material is documented and will have to answer for the acquisition.

5- Confirmation of receipt

At the end of the material request process, the item has been either;

  1. Delivered by the warehouse directly or
  2. Purchased by the purchasing department for the warehouse to later deliver to the applicant.

In either case, it’s important to perform two tasks:

  1. The warehouse should inform the requester of the deliver, and
  2. The requester should confirm receipt.

These allow the final events to occur in a documented manner.

Read more: Nonconformity control: Increase customer satisfaction

Requesting special materials

This requisition process flowchart we are presenting is generic, and therefore you must adapt it to suit your company.

With medical, dangerous, rare and valuable items for example, more steps, tasks and agents should be included in the process.

The same happens with the requisition process flowchart in governmental organizations, where privacy, secrecy and, mainly, traceability are important points.

With HEFLO’s, free and online process modeling software, you can make any kind of adaptation in your process flows with extreme ease and speed.

Its editor allows you to drag and drop items. It also has self-explanatory menus for filling in texts, defining pools, lanes, agents, gateway types and more. All of this makes the process modeling job much more agile and pleasant, by using the modern concept of BPM Low Code.

Learn more about this topic: Low Code BPM: 10 Questions to Find the Best Option for You

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