Process consulting services: Does your company need them?

Those who offer BPM process consulting services and, likewise, those who need this type of service, share the same goal: to analyze, optimize and redesign processes in search of efficiency and productivity and to add more value to a business and its products and services delivered to its end customer.

At this point an entrepreneur or manager might think: that’s fantastic … but where can I find a consultant who can help me with this challenge? And who is the ideal fit for my company?

Process consulting services would say: this is what I always tell my clients!
But how can I help them in a scalable way? How can I reduce my costs and make it affordable for more and more businesses?

HEFLO CONNECT tackles these questions, which we will also deal with in this post. Come along!

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Does your company need BPM process consulting services?

If you aren’t a process management consultant, how can you tell if your business needs a service like this to promote the simplification of organizational processes?

To help you figure this out, we’ve put together a checklist with the main points to be considered. Check it out:

Checklist: Do I need the help of process consulting services?

Answer the 10 questions in our checklist and find out now if you need BPM consulting services:

  1. Does your company have a backlog of paperwork and countless documents and reports filed on paper?
  2. Do you have difficulty finding relevant documents, even digital ones, and often don’t know which version is up to date?
  3. Do you or your employees waste a lot of time doing repetitive and overly bureaucratic tasks?
  4. Does your company have multiple systems that don’t communicate with each other?
  5. Do employees in your company find it difficult to exchange information and work collaboratively?
  6. Is it difficult to innovate and have creative and differentiated ideas in your company?
  7. Do you have difficulty accessing data, records, statistics and the history of your company?
  8. When you find some of this data and information, do you not always trust it?
  9. Do your travel expenses, including, accommodation, flights and phone calls seem to be higher than they should be?
  10. Have your customers complained about mistakes, delays, faults, and even after-sales and support?

After answering these questions, if you answered ‘yes’ to 6 or fewer questions, stay alerted, you may in the future need BPM process consulting services.

However, if you responded ‘yes’ to 7 or more questions, you will need the help of process consulting services.

Integrating consultants and companies

Since the beginning, our goal has always been to stimulate entrepreneurship and give access to our resources, so that the most diverse professionals in the area can provide BPM process consulting services, as well as, to enable those who need these services to have a channel of access to the developed solutions.


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