360 degree evaluation form: questionnaires and methodology

360 degree evaluation forms have already become a trend in most companies that want to use their HR processes strategically.

The advantages of using the 360 degree evaluation form are numerous and the correct application of this methodology is fundamental for achieving the best results.

In this post, besides clarifying how this type of procedure works in a company, we’ll share some links to ready-made evaluation examples.

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360 degree evaluation form: questionnaires and their importance in the company

The 360 degree evaluation form is the result of the current corporate understanding that Human Resources Departments must provide a strategic service for companies and organizations.

Thus, organizations should base HR policies on their strategic objectives, and determine the competencies needed to achieve them.

From there, planning should be defined to attract talented people who hold these competencies, as well as evaluate and train the current cadre of employees to perform their activities in the best way.

To this end, the 360 degree evaluation form has proven to be a powerful tool.

Here are some important steps that you must take so that the application of the 360 degree evaluation form has the desired effects.

Definition of evaluation criteria

Evaluation criteria are divided into two types:

  1. Skills: the integrated use of knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to accomplish tasks with maximum efficiency.
  2. Results: objective numbers and data that prove that the holder of these skills effectively delivers the results the company needs.

The idea is to determine which employees are the most efficient and productive for the company and which ones need training or mentoring.

The ultimate goal is to develop action plans so that each employee can improve their weaknesses and get the most out of their strengths.

Also read this article from our blog: Human Resource recruitment processes: Learn how to hire the best

The 360 degree evaluation form methodology

The 360 degree evaluation form aims to abandon the old model in which only the immediate supervisor evaluated the employee, sometimes with a professional self-assessment.

In this methodology, the sources of evaluation are numerous, being able to reach more than 15, depending on the company. Here are some of them:

  • Self-assessment
  • Even numbers
  • Subordinates
  • Suppliers
  • Clients
  • Immediate Superior

The 4 main stages of the 360 degree evaluation form

The mere implementation of 360 degree evaluation forms will not have the desired effects. Therefore, it’s necessary to follow some steps, as below:

1- Train and educate members of the company

Distributing 360 degree evaluation forms without proper training on how to respond to them can generate many inappropriate responses.

In addition, it’s necessary to show the importance of evaluation. It’s a tool for professional improvement, which engages the workforce in this common goal between company and employee.

2- Application of the 360 degree evaluation form

Ideally, this should be done through online platforms such as SurveyMonkey, Google Forms or MindMiners, among others.

3- Analysis of Results

Once tabulated or analyzed by the online search tools, individual results can only be disclosed to the interested party and their immediate superior.

Of course, no employee will be able to know how another person individually evaluated them. They will only have access to general data and statistical results.

4- Feedback and improvement plan

The final objective of the 360 degree evaluation form is now reached: to draw up an improvement plan, in agreement between managers, and evaluated, through an individual meeting of feedback and action planning.

In this way, you must weigh both personal and organizational objectives so that you define practical actions, dates and goals for employees to achieve.

360 degree evaluation form: model questionnaires

We’ve selected some links for a few 360 degree evaluation forms that you can use as templates in your company:

Know more: The strategic importance of HR processes, examples and tips

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