Results based management system: Its most relevant aspects

Results are defined as, the consequence or the direct reaction of any action.

In the universe of management and administration, every action implemented in whatever circumstance of business or at any organizational level will generate a result, which may be positive or negative depending on the attitudes that led to it.

Results based management system is an administrative system in which all actions in a company should be the result of careful strategic planning and constantly seeking to find the best possible result.

Always aiming to optimize the performance and growth of an organization.

Results based management system: Concepts

Among the many existing management models, perhaps the results based management system is one of the most demanding collaborations, requiring constant commitment and a sense of teamwork from the employees of a company.

There is a double demand that, in the face of an increasingly competitive market, each day’s performance must exceed the previous days. On one side are consumers looking for the best products and services for more attractive prices, and the other are the executives and shareholders of companies, which always require more satisfactory results.

In this context, managers need to make important decisions, like defining and prioritizing the most important actions of a company, directing the main financial and human resource investments in such a way to reap the best results. See an example of decision support technology:

Results based management system: Methods

Results based management systems are above every Director because they convert strategic intentions into tangible results that are managed, monitored and evaluated systematically and in real time.

Its two main assumptions are:

  • The results of actions should be the core of the whole management process.
  • Teamwork should be valued, promoting the integration and participation of different sectors of the company in the management process.

The results based management system requires a combination of several factors and qualities in organizations, among which the most important are: strategic awareness, information and communication technology, financial resources, clear organizational structure and firm and cohesive leadership.

Some of the main methodologies used in results-based management systems are:

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