BPM Blog

  • BPM

The nine principles of Process Design

Business process design is a BPM step that occurs after the analysis and discovery steps. Its goal is to create…

  • BPM

Business process management software: how to properly use it

The business process management software is a valuable tool to generate a competitive advantage, being with cost reduction, excellence in…

  • BPM

What is Business Process Management? 10 special topics selected for you

What is business process management after all? Well, it would be a great challenge to summarize all about BPM in just…

  • Six Sigma

Understand the Six Sigma methodology, how it emerged and what are its 5 main steps

The Six Sigma process management is a type of business process management extremely qualified and efficient. It adopts as the…

  • Quality Improvement

What is quality improvement? 4 tips

How is the quality improvement culture in your company? The quality concept was firstly associated with the idea of conformity…

  • Quality Improvement

Improve efficiency in your company now with these 7 simple tips

Turn your company into a highly profitable business, and an organization different from the competitions means to make things run…

  • Business Management

Know all about strategic planning process model

Strategic planning is something we are all familiar with, whether we are aware of it or not. We use to…

  • Process Modeling

Business process modeling examples

Process modeling is the graphic representation of the process and all its steps. It is part of a methodology called…

  • Process Modeling

Why do you need to know what is business process modeling

Business process modeling is part of a larger methodology called business process management. BPM is a method used to organize…

  • Governance

What is Data Governance?

  Data Governance refers to exactly what it seems like. It is the management of the data of the company,…