Content management process – what is it?

Needless to say that nowadays the internet is full of information about just anything. If your company website does not manage the content available, it may as well does not exist. Content management is the set of processes that sort, collect, manage and publish the information.

The content management processes involves everything since the search for what to publish until the publishing itself. It can bring visualization to your company and clients to your database. So where should you start?

Why does content management process matter?

There are many bad things that can happen if this is not a priority for your company. Here are some of them:

  • You become legally exposed. If the information on your website does not match the reality anymore, customers or possible clients can go after this legally. The costs with lawyers, process, settlements, etc., will be high and long.
  • People search for information online before anything nowadays. If they do not find it, your company’s reputation will suffer, and the negative impact is hard to change.
  • Current customers will complain more. Since they do not have any other way to reach information or solve matters.
  • Staff productivity will also decrease. Because of the lack of present information and an effective intranet, employees will have a hard time doing their jobs.

It may help: workflow definition.

How do I manage content?

The first thing is to identify what information should be on the website. This involves a lot of research, keeping in mind the following subjects:

  • What does the company offer? Think about your product or service and then create a list of information that makes sense for you.
  • What does the client need? Think about the value you want to deliver, and what exactly can you offer the customer.
  • What does the client search for? Sometimes the client searches for thing that are different from what he really needs and from what you can offer.

It is ideal to combine all these aspects in the content, thus making the process effective and efficient. There are some roles to fill if you want to content management process properly. The creator: the one who writes and edits the content. The editor: tunes the message and the style of delivering (can also translate). The publisher: responsible for putting the information up. The administrator: manages access to folders, assign roles and assists the team. Consumer: the viewer, the one that reads the content after shared. Team work is essential! Visualize what is the goal of the content, execute, fine tune it, edit it and get it online.

What is CMS in content management process?

CMS stands for Content Management System. It is a software that allows the managing, publishing, editing and modifying of the content. It stores and organizes files, providing control to the process. With control and visualization, it is much easier to keep the content updated and complete, getting all the advantage content management process brings. Bottlenecks that keep new content from being posted or that do not move old content into archives are erased and information is accurately accessed by all, from customers to the staff.

Now that you know about content management process, read about SaaS and the different as a service products.