BPM Blog

  • Process Improvement

How to achieve 3-step operational efficiency

Imagine a company that produces shock absorbers for heavy trucks. One day, one of the product managers decides that they…

  • Business Management

End business communication noise with a new way of working

Sometimes even when talking to a friend we can't express ourselves or they don't quite understand what we're trying to…

  • Process Modeling

5 HR process flowchart examples and why to use them

HR process flowchart examples are increasingly sought after. This is because, at a time when the digital transformation is the buzzword, everyone…

  • Process Automation

What are the benefits of adopting a business rules system?

Imagine that you're an insurance broker for corporate clients. You make daily visits to several clients and need to present…

  • Partnership

On Strategy and HEFLO: Combining to deliver digital processes in Mexico

Imagine a successful family business that has run for a few decades. Among its best employees are the owner's two…

  • Productivity

10 productivity tips from successful managers

The results of every company depend on its employees and how they perform their tasks. And for this, the role…

  • Productivity

5 Strategies to Increase Your Sales Team’s Productivity

Owning your own business is the dream of many people, but not everyone knows that an entrepreneur needs a lot…

  • Process Modeling

What is Decision Model and Notation (DMN)?

Do you know about BPMN notation? It's the most widely used and a standard for anyone working in BPM, but…

  • Change Management

How Sales Teams Can Benefit from Change Management

Done properly, change management can get you through some big transitions: an overhaul of staff when the sales team is…

  • Process Modeling

How to draw a flowchart in 5 easy steps

How to draw a flowchart, does it seem like a mystery to you? Actually, a flowchart's purpose is to make things…