Business Process Management Suite: A combo of BPM tools

Business Process Management Suite: A combo of BPM tools

Do you know what BPMS is? Read a report from a user below… if there’s any similarity to your company it’s not mere coincidence. “In our company, we mapped processes with a traditional market software. The documentation took days (even…

Understand RPA and how to implement it in your business

No, don’t worry, we’re not talking about humanoid robots running around your company! What happens is that with digital transformation generating real business revolutions, a focus for organizations has become getting their employees to use their time and energy to the fullest…
How To Effectively Manage a Cross-Functional Team

How To Effectively Manage a Cross-Functional Team

Cross-functional teams are the way of the future. Although it takes some getting used to, cross-functional teams have the ability to do the most good. They do, however, come with a few downsides. A lot of cross-functional teams have communication…

Learn why HR process automation is strategic

If the establishment of processes and workflows has been featuring as one of the bases that guides the modern notion of organizational management, the presence of technology is another major factor. The creation and modeling of processes creates alignment and…
organizational agility

Unlocking the Secrets of Organizational Agility

Organizational transformation, organizational climate, organizational politics and now the newest of them: organizational agility! Before it’s mentioned at a meeting and you don’t know what it is, learn about it right now! (more…)
change management

Change Management: Kotter’s 8 Steps

Change is never easy, is it? Whether it’s a change of apartment, a change of position, or even a personal change, this process is never easy. That’s why change management is necessary, so that in the midst of this process,…
Office Automation

Understanding Office Automation

No one argues that technology has revolutionized the way that offices function. But what is office automation really in practice? Office automation goes way beyond eliminating everyday paperwork. Using online tools can mean goodbye to paper, but it doesn’t mean…
7 Tips To Help You Find Focus in the Fast Modern Workplace

7 Tips To Help You Find Focus in the Fast Modern Workplace

The fast modern workplace isn’t always the easiest place in which to find your focus. Open plan offices, the ringing of phones and the pinging of email alerts mean it’s easy to let distractions interrupt your workflow. If you’re getting…